Are you or a loved one struggling?

Check out some of these great resources!

Resources for addiction

Find an AA Meeting is an incredible resource in general. It also seems to have access to more AA meeting locations than

The Twelve steps and Twelve Traditions

The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions are a great resource for those fresh in recovery. You can find them both here in PDF form.

Find other Meetings

This website has meeting times and locations for AA, NA, and Al-Anon. It is a bit less user friendly than but being that it has information for each of the major groups I felt it shouldn't be ignored.

Additional Recovery Resources

Despite it being a government website it holds a surprising amount of relevant information when it comes to Addiction. This site is for both those struggling themselves and for people who know someone who is struggling.

Suicide prevention and self-help resources

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

This is one of the most important resources out there. It doesn't matter if you're struggling from addiction, emotional distress or other mental health issues, you can find someone to talk to within minutes.

Mental Health Resources

This site doesn't just breakdown a huge number of different mental health resources (from general to specific disorders) but it also offers trainings for all ages for you to learn how you can help others in need!